ARTS 310 (Graphic Design II) #junior #senior | 2019 | New York, USA
The task challenged students to design a game out of “Works of War,” an exhibition by Seymour Chwast hosted by the Binghamton University Art Museum in 2019.
Students studied both the physical artworks in the Museum gallery, and the exhibition catalog. Chwast’s At War With War graphic novel was also used as both reference and inspiration.
The games students created had to function to absorb the messages embedded in the visuals, to learn what they stand for, and to draw value from the collection. This project helps students to contribute to our society through the act of “problematizing.” Their game/story allows others to relate to facts, contexts and emotions, and to bring their own interpretation to what they see, hear or read.
The objectives of the project are:
• Visit a collection and problematize;
• Identify concerns and propose design solutions;
• Examine thinking and behaviors methodically;
• Craft a memorable playful experience;
• Prototype or mock-up the game project.
Student Cindy Knickerbocker designed Consequences of War, “a game about the irrelevance, futility, brutality, and the absurdity of war.” To unify the visual identity the student developed an all-caps typeface with numbers and basic punctuation based off Chwast’s handlettered logo for the exhibition.
“Through the roll of three dice each player has the opportunity to occupy and ultimately gains control of a territory (square) while suffering consequences (draw of a ‘Consequence’ card). Players may have the opportunity to take away control for opponent’s territory, switch territories with opponents, etc., through the draw of the ‘Consequence’ cards.”
Material: Pencil, paper, Illustrator, Fontself, Photoshop, digital printer, cardboard, glue, velcro tape.
“I’m glad they were able to use my lettering. I didn’t inspire the big tank but it’s amazing. I love the sketches. They are like the ones I make for myself.”
—Seymour Chwast