<definition> [+]
Artisan Books Australia [+]
Bokartas Lithuania [+]
Burgart-Presse [+]
Clemens-Tobias Lange [+]
Einhand Press [+]
Is It A Book ? [+]
Philobiblion Bindery & Book Artist [+]
Science and the Artists Book [+]
The Sabinsky Press Artist Book [+]
Wellesley Journal [+]
“Artists’ Books” by C. Knops [+]
“Bonkers On The Head: by E. Artinian [+]
“Hands on Paper” by G. Stiffe [+]
“How to make an artist book” [+]
“La Fin du Monde” by Cendrars and Lénger [+]
“Marina 7” by A. Segalini [+]
“Parole Disegnate,Parole Dipinte” pt. 1 and 2 [+][+]
“Virtureal: by E. Artinian [+]
Associazione Calligrafica Italiana [+]
Belle Lettere [+]
CIAC Rome [+]
Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society UK [+]
Cheerio Calligraphy Centre [+]
Confederation of European Calligraphy [+]
Dal Segno alla Scrittura [+]
IRCC International Research Centre for Calligraphy [+]
IRCICA Research Center for Islamic History,Art and Culture [+]
Istitut d’Histoire du Livre: [+]
Letter Exchange [+]
MVK Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy [+]
Reed College Calligraphy Heritage [+]
Rencontres internationales de Lure [+]
Schweiz. Kalligraphische Gesellschaft [+]
Scriptores [+]
Scriptorium am Rheinsprung Basel [+]
Scriptorium de Toulouse [+]
The Australian Society of Calligraphers [+]
The Edward Johnston Foundation [+][+]
The IAMPETH Wisconsin [+]
The Saint John's Bible [+]
The Society of Scribes and Illuminators UK [+]
Alternative Bookbinding [+][+]
Alternative Bookbinding [+][+]
Bonefolder [+]
Book Binding Introduction [+]
Book Binding Introduction [+]
Bookbinding Hand Sewn [+][+][+][+]
Bookbinding Hand Sewn [+][+][+][+]
Encuadernacion de Libros [+]
Encuadernacion de Libros [+]
Folio [+]
Folio [+]
How to Make a Perfect Bound Book [+]
Philobiblon Tutorials [+]
Philobiblon Tutorials [+]
San Gemini Preservation Studies [+]
Talas Bookbinding [+]
Talas Bookbinding [+]
The Making of a Letterpress Book [+]
Wii Room Book Restoration [+]
Wilsey Rare Books Glossary [+]
Wilsey Rare Books Glossary [+]
<definition> [+]
Artisan Books Australia [+]
Bokartas Lithuania [+]
Burgart-Presse [+]
Clemens-Tobias Lange [+]
Einhand Press [+]
Is It A Book ? [+]
Philobiblion Bindery & Book Artist [+]
Science and the Artists Book [+]
The Sabinsky Press Artist Book [+]
Wellesley Journal [+]
“Artists’ Books” by C. Knops [+]
“Bonkers On The Head: by E. Artinian [+]
“Hands on Paper” by G. Stiffe [+]
“How to make an artist book” [+]
“La Fin du Monde” by Cendrars and Lénger [+]
“Marina 7” by A. Segalini [+]
“Parole Disegnate,Parole Dipinte” pt. 1 and 2 [+][+]
“Virtureal: by E. Artinian [+]
Achyut Palav [+]
Alessandra Barocco [+]
Alex Savakis [+]
Alison Carmichael [+]
Andrew Fox [+]
Andrew van der Merwe [+][+][+]
Ann Hechle [+]
Ann Miller [+]
Anna Ronchi [+]
Anne Cowie [+]
Ayako Tani [+]
Birgit Nass [+]
Carl Rohrs [+]
Christian Bélanger [+]
Claude Mediavilla [+]
David A. Smith [+]
David Kindersley [+]
Delbanco Frakturschriften [+][+]
Denise Lach [+]
Diane M. von Arx [+]
Doyal Young [+]
El Seed [+]
Fahri Deniz [+]
Francesca Biasetton [+]
Franck Jalleau [+]
Gabriela Carbognani-Hess [+]
Gareth Colgan [+]
Gaynor Goffe [+]
Gemma Black [+]
Georgia Deaver [+]
Giovanni De Faccio [+]
Giuseppe Salerno [+]
Glen Epstein [+]
Gottfried Pott [+]
Hamid Reza Ebrahimi [+]
Hans-Jochaim Burgert [+]
Irvin Cemil Schick [+]
Ismar David [+]
Jaime de Albarracín [+]
James Clough [+]
Jasmine Nora Jones [+]
Jean Larcher [+]
Jerry Kelly [+]
Job Wouters [+]
Joby Carter [+]
Joe Boissy [+]
John DeCollibus [+]
John Langdon [+]
José Parlá [+]
Julian Waters [+]
Julien Chazal [+]
Karlgeorg Hoefer [+]
Katharina Pieper [+]
Kathy Guthrie [+]
Kirsten Burke [+]
Klaus-Peter Schäffel [+]
Lajos Szabó [+]
Laurent Rebena [+]
Laurie Doctor [+]
Letman [+]
Li Chen [+]
Lieve Cornil [+]
Lila Symons [+]
Luca Barcellona [+]
Maisi Roopalu [+]
Manfred Blum [+]
Marco Campedelli [+]
Marian Bantjes [+]
Marina Soria [+]
Mark Reynolds [+]
Martin Jackson [+]
Mary Anne Wolfe [+]
Massimo Polello [+]
Maud Bekaert [+]
Maureen Squires [+]
Mauro Zennaro [+]
Melissa Dinwiddie [+]
Michael Renton [+]
Michel D’anastasio [+]
Mike Sull [+]
Mohamed Zakariya [+]
Monica Dengo [+]
Murat Ünver [+]
MyFonts People Search [+]
Nadezhda Lisak [+]
Nancy Howell [+]
Niels ‘Shoe’ Meulman [+][+][+]
Patricia Blair [+]
Peter Halliday [+]
Peter Nguyen [+]
Petra Beiße [+]
Piero De Macchi [+]
Piet Parra [+]
Ray Fenwick [+]
Roballos Naab [+]
Rose Folsom [+]
Sam Caunce [+]
Savaş Çevik [+]
Sherrie Lovler [+]
Sophie Verbeek [+]
Stephen Rapp [+]
Stephen Raw [+]
Suat Tekin [+]
Sumner Stone [+]
Susan Moor [+]
Suzanne Moore [+]
Tim Girvin [+]
Tom Perkins [+]
Tsubasa Kimura [+]
Weidmann Jake [+]
White House Chief Calligrapher [+]
Yves Leterme [+]
AG Annabella [+]
AP Feel Script [+]
AS Metroscript [+]
AT Dolce [+]
Adobe Sava Pro [+]
American Scribe [+]
BT Lydian and Lydian Cursive [+][+]
CA Swank [+]
CC Beocarna [+]
CT Maestro [+]
CT Mayfair [+]
DFT Rialto [+]
DGT Comalle [+]
DST Penna [+]
DY Young Finesse [+]
FB Novia [+]
FB Sloop [+]
FDT Poesie Noir [+]
FF Erikrighthand [+]
FF Providence [+]
FG Nina [+]
Fraktur Schrift by G. Helzel [+]
GS Nautica Sottile [+]
GT Aquiline [+]
HI Studio Lettering [+]
ITF Jeeves [+]
JAF Lapture [+]
JF James Paul [+]
LT Blackletter Scripts [+]
LT Hamada [+]
LT Libelle [+]
LT Pirouette [+]
LT Potpourri [+]
LT Sunetta [+]
LT Virtuosa [+]
Letraset Vivaldi [+]
Letterperfect Tours [+]
Leuschke TS [+]
MT Blackletter Scripts [+]
MT Casual Scripts [+]
MT Elegy [+]
MT Formal Scripts [+]
MT JP2 Pro [+]
MT Monoline Script [+]
MT Sheila [+]
MT Young Finesse [+]
Monoline Script Fonts [+]
NF Jaunty Gent [+]
OF Maryam [+]
Oldtype by Alter Littera [+]
P22 Corinthia [+]
P22 Imperial Script [+]
P22 Operina Pro [+]
P22 Sneaky Pro [+]
P22 Zaner Pro [+]
PF Gallegos [+]
PT Buffet [+]
RE Tomate [+]
RL Amienne [+]
RL Babylonica [+]
RTF Zigarre [+]
ST Affair [+]
ST Bravissima [+]
ST Burgues Script [+]
ST Handsome Pro [+]
ST Hipster Script Pro [+]
STP Candy Script [+]
STP Viento [+]
SZ Streetscript [+]
Script Reference by M. Yanega [+]
Silesiana type project [+]
Sud Tipos [+]
TD Black Jack [+]
TO Blackletter Revival [+]
TQ Manu [+]
TT Angel Script [+]
TT Malbeck [+]
TT Ventura [+]
TW Nelly Script [+]
UT Dear Sarah Pro [+]
UT Mr Sheppards [+]
UT Comalle [+]
UW Grammato [+]
UW Liza [+]
WF Plumage [+]
WF Velouté [+]
“Blackletter Social Aspects” [+]
“How Is Your Handwriting” [+]
“The Modern Blackletter” [+]
“Tips For Script” by I. Strizver [+]
Anatomia [+]
Artic Paper Glossary [+]
Betutan [+]
Calligraphic Styles [+]
Cynscribe Calligraphy Directory [+]
FontShop Typeface Anatomy Glossary [+]
Glossario tecnico sulla produzione del libro [+]
Glossary by de Bartolo and Spiekermann [+]
ISO Standard Paper Sizes [+][+][+][+]
Identify,Prevet,and Remove Mold and Mildew From Books [+]
Metric typographic units [+]
NGA Gemini [+]
Reuels on Calligraphy [+]
Shodopedia [+]
Typographic Design Glossary by Carter and Meggs [+]
Typography Deconstructed [+]
Typolexikon [+]
Uses [+]
[return to page] [+]
British Library Digitised Manuscripts [+][+]
British Library: “Turning the Pages” [+]
CESG Digital Abbey Library of St. Gallen () [+]
Codex Sinaiticus [+]
Digital Scriptorium [+]
E-codices Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland [+]
Female Scribes in Early Manuscripts [+]
Incunabula,Dawn of Western Printing [+]
Kingdom of Atlantia Scribal Arts [+]
Making Manuscripts by Getty Museum [+]
Malvine: [+]
Manuscript Culture [+]
Medicea Laurenziana Library [+]
Medieval Manuscript Manual [+]
Medieval Manuscripts at Cary GAC [+]
National Library of the Netherlands Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts [+]
Oxford University Bodleian Library [+]
Oxford University Early Manuscripts [+]
Scholarly Digital Editions [+]
Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen [+]
The British Library Image Archives [+]
The Catich Collection at St. Ambrose University [+]
The Chester Beatty Library of Ireland [+]
The Codex Gigas at The National Library of Sweden [+]
The Fitzwilliam Museum Manuscripts and Printed Books [+]
The Goodspeed New Testament Manuscript Collection [+]
The Morgan Library and Museum [+]
The Parker Library at Stanford University [+]
The Rabanus Maurus Project [+]
Vatican Library Manuscripts Collections [+]
Yale Library Manuscripts and Archives [+]
“A World Inscribed: The Illuminated Manuscript” by K. McDonough [+]
“Autographs and Manuscripts” by 19th Shop [+]
“Manuscript Studies” by S. Reimer [+]
“Pre-Gutenberg Printing” at The Schøyen Collection [+]
“Reading Old English Manuscripts” by P.S. Baker [+]
“Voynich Code; the Worlds Most Mysterious Manuscript” documentary [+][+]
Allan Haley’s ABC Psychogenesis [+]
Bi-directional Text [+]
Chinese and Japanse Calligraphy Styles [+]
Cuneiform Mesopotamia Glossary by R. Hooker [+]
Dedicated Linkography [+]
Egyptian Hieroglyphs [+]
Etruscan Alphabet [+]
Evolution of Latin Alphabet [+]
Exercises in Latin Paleography [+]
Handout on ABC Evolution [+]
History of Chinese Calligraphy [+]
History of Devanagari Letterform Design in India [+]
History of the Arabic Alphabet [+]
Kanji [+]
Nazca Geoglyphs [+]
Origins of Hebrew Writing [+]
Palaeography Online Tutorial [+]
Paléographie Latine [+]
Sanskrit Trasncriptions [+][+][+]
Tabula Gladiatoria in Itálica [+]
The Development of the Western Alphabet [+]
Types of Writing Systems [+]
Writing Systems Omniglot Resources [+]
“,the Greek Alphabet” @Codex99 [+]
“About the History of Writing” by MVK-CMK [+]
“Alphabet Evolution” by G. Boeree,,; [+][+][+]
“Before the Printing Press”,Cary GAC [+]
“Carbon Dating Reveals Earliest Origins of Zero Symbol” by Oxford [+]
“Communication Through Writing” by L. Kaehler [+]
“History of Writing and Calligraphy” [+]
“History of the Alphabets” by R. Fradkin [+][+]
“History of the Alphabet” by Khan Lab [+][+]
“Krazy About K” by P. Patton [+]
“La Ghenizah Italiana” by M. Perani [+]
“Lecture on History of the Alphabet” by J. Ross [+]
“Mysterious Stones Mark the Site of the Garden of Eden” by T. Cox [+]
“New Written Language of Ancient Scotland” by J. Viegas [+]
“Old Babylonian,” by O. Nabeel [+]
“Palaeography” Definition [+]
“Paleography of Punctuation” by S. Reimer [+]
“Scripts and Formal Bookhands Course” by M. Twycross [+]
“The Alphabets Chart” by imjnet.org.il [+]
“The Evolution of Writing” by D. Allen,illustration by H.-E. Meier [+]
“The Hangul Alphabet of Korea” by J. Han [+]
“The Print Clock: A Method for Dating Early Books and Prints” by S.B. Hedges [+]
“Toilet Papyrus: A Papyrus of Homer Used as Toilet Paper“ by B.C. Jones [+]
“Type Ramblings from Afrika” by S. Mafundikwa [+]
AIGA Center For Sustainable Design: [+]
Alpha-Studio Japan [+]
Amatruda [+]
Arches [+]
Arjowiggins Creative Papers [+]
Artic [+]
Assocarta [+]
Basel Papermill [+]
Breve Storia della Carta Antica [+]
CBPA Center for Book and Paper Arts Columbia College Chicago [+]
CEPI [+]
CISSCA Centro Italiano di Studi di Storia della Carta [+][+]
Canson [+]
Cartiera di Sicilia [+]
Cordenons [+]
Favini [+]
Fox River and Gilbert [+]
GF Smith [+]
Glossario Carta e Cartone [+]
Glossary by Artic Paper [+][+]
Glossary by Environmental Paper Network [+]
Gmund [+]
Hahnemuhle [+]
JPP [+]
Magnani [+]
Mohawk Fine Papers [+]
Museo Della Carta [+]
Neanah [+]
Oriental Style Papermaking [+]
Paper Environmental Impact Calculator [+]
Paper Mills Database [+]
Paper Online [+]
Paper Recovery [+]
Paperworld Fair [+]
Renourish Sustainable Paper [+]
Robert Williams Paper Museum [+]
Stora Enso [+]
Strathmore Paper Blog [+]
The Paper Company [+]
Thibierge & Comar Papetiesrs [+]
Twinrocker [+]
UPM-Kymmene [+]
About Nibs and Calligraphy [+][+]
Art of Arabic Calligraphy [+]
Artistic Addressing [+]
Barchowsky Fluent Handwriting [+]
Blackletter Resource Page by D. Reynolds [+]
Calligrafia Araba [+]
Calligraphic Styles [+]
Calligraphies: Le Portail de Toutes Les Écritures [+]
Calligraphy Letterform Album by Scribe Johann Hering [+]
Calligraphy Movies at MVK Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy [+]
Cecilia Lettering Art [+]
Chronology of Chinese Calligraphers [+]
Daily Drop Cap [+]
Digital Calligraphy by J. Scruggs [+][+][+]
FeiMo Oriental Arts [+]
Foundational Hand [+]
Hebrew Calligraphy Gallery [+]
Ink Drawing/Painting [+][+][+]
Islamic Calligraphy [+]
Jacobs Papercraft [+]
Japanese Calligraphy [+]
KalliCulator Automatic Calligraphy,; [+][+]
Laban Movement Analysis [+][+][+]
Labanotation [+]
Letterology Blog by J. Kennard [+]
Mongolian Calligraphy,,,; [+][+][+][+]
Moss Graffiti [+]
Normographe ISO 3098/I () [+]
Notan [+]
ONP Learning Centre Calligraphy Resources [+]
Ottoman Tuğra [+]
Papercuts by P. Callesen [+][+]
Roman Capitals [+]
Sereno Editore [+]
Silkscreen Printing Instructions,,; [+][+][+]
Spencerian Script Penmanship [+]
Square Calligraphy Classroom [+]
Textura Quadrata (‘Gothic Scripts’ in D. Harris) [+]
The Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society Gallery [+]
The Origins of Arabic Calligraphy [+][+]
Tools and Materials,; . [+][+]
Typography and Lettering Pool [+]
Writing Lessons from the Koch Book [+]
Zakariya Islamic Calligraphy [+]
Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Samples [+]
“A Constructed Roman Alphabet” by J. Hughes [+]
“A Scribe’s Treasure: Calligraphy in the SFPL” by J. Prestianni [+]
“About the History of Writing” by MVK-CMK [+]
“Arabic Calligraphy as a Typographic Exercise” by J. Kaestle [+][+]
“Archetype of Letterforms” by B. Keeble [+]
“Articles and Essays on Calligraphy” at MVK-CMK [+]
“Barthes and the Fountain Pen: An Intimate Obsession” by M.D. Niski [+]
“Becoming a Calligrapher: Memoirs of an American Student of Calligraphy” by M. Zakariya [+]
“Beginner’s Calligraphy Hampered By Being Lefty” [+]
“Boys’ Writing”,by O’Brien and Neal [+]
“Calligraphic-style fonts” by A. Benedek [+]
“Calligraphy Robot Uses a Motion Copy System to Reproduce Detailed Brushwork” by S. Katsura [+]
“Calligraphy for West Lake Hangzhou Apple Store” by W. Dongling [+]
“Calligraphy.TV” by D. Brown [+]
“Creative Park” Canon Paper Craft [+]
“Cursive Writing Is Fading Skill,But so What?” by T. Breen [+]
“Detesto la Calli–grafia” by S. Polano [+]
“Ductus” [+]
“Evolution of the Latin Alphabet” [+]
“Expression in Form,Rhythm,& Movement“ by J. Stevens [+][+]
“Five From Four” Catalogue [+][+]
“Folding Paper 42 Times and the Exponential Growth” [+][+][+]
“From the Depth of Ages: by MVK-CMK [+]
“Graffiti Analysis and Taxonomy” by E. Roth [+][+]
“Hand Lettering at Home DIY” by A. Davis [+]
“Handwriting Analysis Goes 3D” by D. Grimm [+]
“Handwriting vs. Typing” by A. Chemin [+]
“How Handwriting Trains the Brain” by G. Bounds [+]
“How To Develop Hand Lettering Aesthetics” [+]
“How to Gothic” by M. Eckman [+]
“How to Write Cursive” by M. Eckman [+]
“In Defence of The Roman Letter” by J. Nash [+]
“Islamic Annotated Bibliography of Calligraphy” by A.H. Bayat [+]
“Kurrent—500 Years of German Handwriting” by R. Herrmann [+]
“Learning Calligraphy” [+]
“Letters Lost,A Didactic Elegy (Greek,Phoenician and Roman Developments)“ by S. Stone [+]
“Mathematicians Mourn the Loss of the ‘Rolls-Royce of Chalk’” by M. Pascaud [+]
“New Jonston” by E. Kono [+]
“Nick Benson; a Stone Carver’s Family Tradition” by M. Miller [+]
“Notes and Observations On a Commissioned Job” by M. Renton [+]
“Out of Hand” by D. Crowley [+]
“Scrittura Corsiva” by M. Dengo [+]
“Sidney Bendall Lettering Craftsman” by J. Nash [+]
“Signature,Autograph,Graphology” () [+][+]
“Simple Glossary of Paper Types” by Prime Publishing [+]
“Software for Calligraphy” [+]
“Teaching to See” by I. Druckery [+]
“Tempera” di B. Pierozzi [+]
“The Art of Hermann Zapf” by H. Peter [+][+]
“The Geometry of Roman Lettering” by T. Perkins [+]
“The Japanese Character” by K. Kuwahara [+][+]
“The Missing Ink: The Lost Art of Handwriting,and Why it Still Matters” by P. Hensher [+][+]
“The Palmer Method of Business Writing” by A.N. Palmer (1935) [+]
“The Proper Art of Writing (1655)” by P.F. Kunsthändlern [+][+]
“The Real Meaning of Writing” by G. Noordzij [+]
“The Trajan Inscription” by J. Mosley [+][+]
“Thoreau: American Resister (and Kitten Rescuer)” by H. Cotter [+]
“Tibetan Calligraphy” by C.J. Fynn [+][+]
“Tips on How To Improve Handwriting” [+]
“Type,Handwriting and Lettering” by G. Briem [+]
“Typographers’ Handwriting” by C. Adams [+][+]
“WR Lethaby on Art & Labour” by B. Keeble [+]
“Water Calligraphy Device” by N. Hanna [+]
„Wunderkammer“ by M. Polello e B. Nass [+]
Atelier Gargoyle [+]
Automatic Pen DIY [+]
Automatic Pens [+]
Blick Art Materials [+]
Brand Name Pencils [+]
Calligraphity Books [+]
Calligraphy Pens Directory [+]
Classic Fountain by J. Mottishaw [+]
Crane & Co. [+]
Custom Waxn Seals [+]
Evolution of the Pencil [+]
FindTape.com [+]
Finding King Craft Tools [+]
Grid Sets [+]
Gridzzly (DIY Grid Paper) [+]
History of the Automatic Pens [+]
Japanese Calligraphy Brush [+]
John Neal Tools and Material [+]
Koh-I-Noor Tools [+]
Lettering Brushes [+]
Live Pen Calligraphic Drawing Software [+]
Manuscript Pen Nibs and Calligraphy [+][+]
Montblanc Pens [+]
Paper & Ink Arts [+]
Parallel Pen DIY [+]
Parker Pens [+]
Pen World magazine [+]
Pencil <definition> [+]
Pendemonium Fountain Pens [+]
Pens at ‘43Folders’ Wiki [+]
Platinum Carbon Black Ink [+]
Ravera’s Collection [+]
Richard Binder Fountain Pens [+]
Rotring [+]
Speedball Art [+]
Supplies.co.uk [+]
Talas [+]
The Celtic Shop Wax Seals [+]
The Fountain Pen Network Forums [+]
The Writing Desk,Inks [+]
Utrecht Art [+]
“Graphic Drawing Pens” by J. Scruggs [+]