
Paris Spleen

Paris Spleen
Paris Spleen





Charles Baudelaire


Contra Mundum Press (CMP)


Typesetting details:

A 5×8" 216-page book, with semi-automatic line justification for prose (28 lines per page) set in LT Palatino. The display type is Luminari by Philip Bouwsma. The opening spread features a close-up of the August 26, 1862 edition of La Presse newspaper (fully reproduced on p.151) where some of the prose poems that would make up Paris Spleen were first published. Typesetting time: 4 weeks in 18 design sessions; 10 proofing files.

Cover design details:

5×8", spine size 0.493" (216 pp.).
The cover, designed in collaboration with the translator, features a photograph of Charles Baudelaire by Félix Nadar (c. 1855), and the enlarged display of Baudelaire’s signature which I originally digitized in vector graphics for the design of the cover of My Heart Laid Bare (2016), and later of Belgium Stripped Bare (2019). The display type is Luminari by Philip Bouwsma. This cover of Miles Davis’ ’Round About Midnight was of inspiration.
