
Ladder of Oaths

Ladder of Oaths
Ladder of Oaths





Maura Del Serra


Contra Mundum Press (CMP)


Typesetting details:

A 5×8" 338-page book of single-line composition.The symmetric spread typesetting for renowned Italian poet and dramatist Del Serra's poems accommodates a left/right page split of original (Italian) and translation (English), preserving exact lineation within a 21 pica (3 ½") text frame measure, and paced vertical rhythm. Typesetting time: 4 weeks in 22 design sessions; 8 proofing files.

Cover design details:

5×8", spine size 0.705" (338 pp.).
Cover design features Gustav Klimt’s Philosophie (1898–1907), and the typeface Diotima Italic (also used for headings, and the ToC) — an exquisite Chancery style (Cancelleresca corsiva) with elegant square capitals particularly suited to poems, designed by Gudrun Zapf von Hesse in 1939. Diotima happens to be one of the most beautiful types ever cast in metal (1951– 53); its roots lay in a calligraphic sheet written by the life- companion of master Hermann Zapf. “Diotima,” besides having the name coming from the ancient Greek prophetess and philosopher, represents the female creative power, along with Del Serra’s ars poetica.
